Remote Deposit
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eDeposit allows your business to deposit checks remotely. Boone Bank & Trust Co. will provide you with the software so you can make your deposits right from your place of business. You can save time by skipping your daily stops to the bank and save money by eliminating courier fees. By electronically depositing your checks, banking with Boone Bank & Trust Co. becomes even easier.
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The software installation takes only a few minutes. Multiple users can be created to make deposits, run reports, and print check images. You will be responsible for purchasing the scanner but Boone Bank & Trust Co. will help you find a scanner that works for you. Here is a list of compatible scanners.
- Convenience - eDeposit simplifies your banking. You can deposit checks electronically without even leaving your office.
- Peace of Mind - eDeposit, your checks never leave your place of business; and all transactions are protected with encryption, firewalls, and passwords.
- Streamlined Operations - eDeposit streamlines operations by automating the process of creating deposit tickets.
- Save Money and Time - You no longer have to worry about the cost and liability of sending an employee or courier to the bank every day.